Alberto Barbera
Direttore artistico della Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica di Venezia
Regista di film d'animazione
Simona Bursi
Diplomata in cinema d'animazione alla Scuola del Libro di Urbino, Simona Bursi ha vissuto a Milano dal 1997 al 2007 lavorando come character-designer, storyboard-artist, layout artist e animatrice per diverse case di produzione: Bozzetto, Animation Band, Mix Film, Green Movie Animation, De Mas & Partners, Motus, Gertie, Rainbow e Studio Campedelli. Ha anche diretto video musicali per bambini e lavorato come graphic artist per diverse emittenti televisive. Simona ha progettato scenografie per video musicali, nonché per diversi spettacoli e serie, tra cui The Bee-Bees, trasmessi in Italia e all'estero. Dal 2008 vive a Fano, nelle Marche, lavorando come illustratrice per case editrici italiane e straniere.
Pubblicazioni The Complete Jane Austen, Usborne publishing Ltd, London
Romeo and Juliet, Usborne publishing Ltd, London
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Usborne publishing Ltd, London
20 bambine straordinarie che hanno cambiato il mondo, Rusconi libri
Il meraviglioso mondo delle principesse, Rusconi libri
Press-out Paper Dolls, Usborne publishing Ltd, London
Historical Stickers Dolly dressing, EDUARDIAN FASHION, Usborne
Historical Stickers Dolly dressing, VICTORIAN FASHION, Usborne
Historical Stickers Dolly dressing, 1970’ S FASHION, Usborne
Historical Stickers Dolly dressing, 1960’ S FASHION, Usborne
Historical Stickers Dolly dressing, 1940’ S FASHION, Usborne
Historical Stickers Dolly dressing, EDUARDIAN FASHION, Usborne
Historical Stickers Dolly dressing, 1920’s FASHION, Usborne
The story of pegasus, USBORNE publishing ltd
Perseus e the gorgon, USBORNE publishing ltd
War and peace, USBORNE publishing ltd
Pride and prejudice, USBORNE publishing ltd
The prisoner of Zenda, USBORNE publishing ltd
The Usborn book of Greek myths, Usborne publishing ltd
Il lago del tempo fermo, Piemme, Il battello a vapore
Bible story for Boys, Lion Hudson
Bible story for Girls, Lion Hudson
Lo zoo di plastica, Giunti editore S.p.a.
Marco polo e l’anello del bucintoro, Lapis edizioni
Il ballo delle piume, Lapis edizioni
Blask Beauty Piemme, Il battello a vapore
Graduated in Animation and comics art at “Scuola del Libro” of Urbino. Simona Bursi lived in Milan from 1997 to 2007 where she worked as a character designer, storyboard-artist, layout artist and animation artist for different house productions.
She also directed music videos for children and also as a graphic artist for different tv companies.
Simona has also created music video’s set designs for different shows and series, like “The Bee-Bees”, who have been internationally broadcasted. Since 2008, she has been living in Fano (Marche region) working as an illustrator for a large number of Italian and foreign publishing houses.
The Complete Jane Austen, Usborne publishing Ltd, London
Romeo and Juliet, Usborne publishing Ltd, London
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Usborne publishing Ltd, London
20 bambine straordinarie che hanno cambiato il mondo, Rusconi libri
Il meraviglioso mondo delle principesse, Rusconi libri
Press-out Paper Dolls, Usborne publishing Ltd, London
Historical Stickers Dolly dressing, EDUARDIAN FASHION, Usborne
Historical Stickers Dolly dressing, VICTORIAN FASHION, Usborne
Historical Stickers Dolly dressing, 1970’ S FASHION, Usborne
Historical Stickers Dolly dressing, 1960’ S FASHION, Usborne
Historical Stickers Dolly dressing, 1940’ S FASHION, Usborne
Historical Stickers Dolly dressing, EDUARDIAN FASHION, Usborne
Historical Stickers Dolly dressing, 1920’s FASHION, Usborne
The story of pegasus, USBORNE publishing ltd
Perseus e the gorgon, USBORNE publishing ltd
War and peace, USBORNE publishing ltd
Pride and prejudice, USBORNE publishing ltd
The prisoner of Zenda, USBORNE publishing ltd
The Usborn book of Greek myths, Usborne publishing ltd
Il lago del tempo fermo, Piemme, Il battello a vapore
Bible story for Boys, Lion Hudson
Bible story for Girls, Lion Hudson
Lo zoo di plastica, Giunti editore S.p.a.
Marco polo e l’anello del bucintoro, Lapis edizioni
Il ballo delle piume, Lapis edizioni
Blask Beauty Piemme, Il battello a vapore